Money shall mean cash, bank and currency notes, cheques, holiday stamps, credit card vouchers, and documents, certificates or other instruments of a negotiable matter, your property or for which it is responsible.
This policy is designed to provide coverage for loss of or damage to money;
  1. On the premises during business hours
  2. On the premises after business hours (In safe/Strong rooms)
  3. And in Transit
  • Money
  • Major Loss Limit: P 10,000.00
  • Crossed Cheques: P 100, 000.00

Safe requirements
Note: Limit of cover according to the grading of safes as follows;
  • No SABS Grading
  • SABS Category 1 Grading
  • SABS Category 2 Grading
  • SABS Category 2 HD Grading
  • SABS Category 2 ADM Grading
  • SABS Category 2 ADM Grading D3
  • SABS Category 3 Grading
  • SABS Category 4 Grading

Scope of cover
Loss of or damage to money on your premises and transit to and from the bank.

Extension of Cover
  1. Receptacles and clothing
  2. Locks and keys
  3. Riot and strike
  4. Skeleton keys – use of skeleton keys
  5. Personal Accident [Assault] cover as a direct result of theft or any attempt thereat.

Loss resulting from or contributed by, any definite event by;
  1. Dishonesty of any principal, partner, director, employee not discovered within fourteen [14] working days.
  2. Shortage due to error or omission.
  3. Use of keys to any safe or strong room, unless the keys are obtained by violence or threats of violence to any person or are used by the key holder or any other person with the collusion of the key holder and proof can be shown to this effect
  4. In an unlocked safe or strong room
  5. In an unattended motor vehicle unless the attendant is inside the vehicle or within five [5] meters of it in a position from which the vehicle is clearly seen.

This policy is designed to cover livestock.

Subject to limitation, exclusive and condition as stated on the policy.

The insurer will pay the sum insured stated or replacement value of the insured livestock, whichever is the lesser of during the period of insurance such livestock is stolen or an insured loss/event occurs, which results in its death or importance within three (3) months of the insured loss/event.

This policy covers the computer installations and software, increased cost of working in case of damage and costs for restoration of data.

Scope of Cover

Physical loss or damage to computer and data from any cause not hereinafter excluded, while:
  1. At work or rest anywhere within the insured’s premises as specified
  2. In transit, including loading and unloading or whilst temporarily stored at any premises in route
  3. Temporarily removed from the insured’s premises to any location.
This policy incorporates two sections, namely, Material Damage and Business Interruption being sections (I) and (II), respectively. It is intended to cover all material loss or damage.

  • The Material Damage Section is intended to cover all material loss or damage for direct physical loss or damage to the insured property caused by or arising from the insured perils described by the policy.
  • Business Interruption Section is intended to cover the increased cost of working incurred by you caused by or arising from the insured perils described in the policy.

This policy covers, portable items which by their nature are normally taken outside the working premises for use, excluding computers and laptops.

Scope of cover
Loss of or damage to the whole or part of the property described in the schedule while anywhere in the world by any accident or misfortune not otherwise excluded.