This policy is designed to provide coverage for loss of both cash and property due to dishonesty of employees by fraudulent actively. The cover has been arranged on Blanket basis, which does not call for declaring names or positions of the covered staff.

The employee shall mean;
  1. Any person while employed under a contract of service or apprenticeship to your company
  2. Any person while hired or seconded from any other party into service you.
Scope of cover
Basis of Cover: Blanket
  1. Loss of money and / or property belonging you or for which it is responsible stolen by an employee.
  2. Direct loss sustained by you as a result of fraud of an insured employee which result in a dishonest personal financial gain for the employee.

This policy is meant to provide an indemnity to the you in respect of legal liability for accidental death or injury or damage to property of the public caused other than by the use of motor vehicles.

Scope of cover
Basis of Cover: Claims done Damages which the insured shall become legally liable to pay consequent upon accidental death of or bodily injury to or illness of any persons or accidental loss of or physical damage to tangible property which occurred in the course of or in connection with the business within the territorial limits.

This policy is designed to cover all types of plant and machinery which is susceptible to breakdown or damage regardless of its quality, age and maintenance. The cover is on all risks basis, except for loss or damage normally covered by a fire and allied perils, theft and foreseeable loss or damage arising directly out of continued ordinary use of machinery.

On all plant, machinery and equipment
Claims Preparation Costs

Scope of Cover:
Loss of or damage due to unforeseen and sudden damage to the insured plant and machinery whilst it is at work or rest or during cleaning, inspection, overhaul or removal to another position within the premises due to faulty material, design, construction or erection, operation, lack of skill, negligent or malicious acts failure of insulation, short circuits or arcing, defective lubrication, loosening of parts, abnormal stress, centrifugal force, Impact, collision, falling objects, vibration, mal-adjustment, mal-alignment, shortage of water in pressure vessels.

This policy is intended to cover all material loss or damage for direct physical loss or damage to the insured's physical buildings occupied as business premises and dwelling caused by or arising from the insured perils described by the policy.

Scope of cover
Loss or damage to buildings caused by the underrated.

This policy is intended to cover all material loss or damage for direct physical loss or damage to your insured physical contents at premises occupied as business premises caused by or arising from the insured perils described in the policy.

Scope of Cover:
Loss of or damage to the above contents, other than documents caused by the under noted perils. Fire, lightning, explosion, riot and strike, malicious damage, earthquake, hailstorm, wind, floods and related perils, damage as a result of bursting water pipes, theft or any attempt thereat, accidental breakage.
Note, theft is restricted to contents whilst in insured’s premises and up to 10% of the sum insured: theft accompanied by forcible and violent entry into or exit from the premises.